My Parallel Universe “F”

Dear Friends

You are all invited to my personal PARALLEL UNIVERSE.

It took me a long time to create it, but I can finally share it with each of you.

My Universe is (to my taste, of course) very beautiful: there are huge meadows where wonderful horses run free – they might stop sometimes to give you a greeting with their snout, there are mountains and forests of evergreens, between the mountains there is a lake named Volcano. At the end of the meadows you will find a beautiful beach with a crystal clear sea full of fish. Then there are 3 villages made of stone houses and cottages with fireplaces and sloping roofs, with large windows facing south from which to let in the sunlight. The basic furniture I chose is in country-chic style, I hope you’ll like it. Each village uses clean, renewable energy that everyone can produce independently. There are also parks with large fountains, which every evening perform a show of water, lights and colors.

There are 2 yoga centers, 3 gyms with swimming pools, 4 venues for concerts.

There is a large school of education where you learn the ancient disciplines.

There are many animals that roam free: if you meet them approach with caution, they are afraid of you. Their ecosystem is in perfect balance, so do not interfere.

Hunting is forbidden, fishing is forbidden.

Obviously the internet does not exist here, because it is not needed.

The purpose of this world is to be the place of an experience where you can elevate your thoughts, take care of your well-being, form your inner Self.

(Planet Earth, a magnificent piece created for this purpose, is unfortunately out of use at the moment, corrupted and infested by the ego greed of some humans and is under maintenance.)

No passes, no visas, no fees are needed: each visitor can freely decide to spend some time here and contribute with his personal creativity or abandon himself to the peace and beauty and drink a good wine in the wine shop.

The only rules that I have applied, since each World is part of the Whole, are the Universal ones that those who want to spend time here already know for sure, but I am available for any information.

My Parallel Universe is well protected, so the entrance is prevented to every ill-intentioned who approaches with bad attitude. The system is very strict on this.

Accessing it is very simple, just look for and desire to access the big golden sphere, find the door with the “F” engraved on the knob and enter – only if you are ready to receive and give love and beauty, otherwise the security system will incinerate you instantly. The security system is inviolable and infallible.

I hope to meet you there sometime, as I’ve been coming home a lot lately.

A big hug to everyone.
